Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1837-1859

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Birth records (1843–1844)

Page 124 of dataset 142_6925
11843.07.26Wapienne12Pelagia FrynckoCatholicfemaleBasilius FrynckoMaria Chymczak
21843.07.22Wapienne48Procopius MizikCatholicmaleIllegitimate? ?Maria Mizik
31843.08.01Wapienne21Eva PrystaszCatholicfemaleConradus PrystaszAnna Kruk
41843.08.21Wapienne19Anna FrynckoCatholicfemalePetrus FrynckoHelena Prystasz
51843.10.25Wapienne3Andreas PyrzCatholicmaleNicetas PyrzMaria Haluszczak
61843.11.28Wapienne38Matheus BorsukCatholicmaleJoannes BorsukMaria Fryncko
71844.01.11Wapienne3Basilius ZielemCatholicmalePetrus ZielemPelagia PyrzMaternal grandmother Anna is daughter of Reverend Puchyrowski (also spelled Puchorowski)
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