Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1898-1906

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Birth records (1902)

Page 66 of dataset 1149_11
11902.07.07Rozdziele41Nicetha FrenczkoCatholicmaleMichael FrenczkoJustina KaczorThe death annotation on the birth record clearly reads *17/6*, and the month on the death record is smudged and could be June or July. However, to place the death on June 17 would put the death record out of temporal sequence, so the annotation on the birth record is probably a mistake.
21902.07.13Rozdziele55Petrus ZywanCatholicmaleDamianus ZywanJosepha Wozniak
31902.07.15Rozdziele32Andreas LyzakCatholicmaleTheodorus LyzakJustina Tylawski
41902.08.24Rozdziele23Euphrosina GabowskiCatholicfemaleJoannes GabowskiAnastasia Dudra
51902.08.26Rozdziele54Anna BubniakCatholicfemaleBasilius BubniakEudocia RusyniakNB the midwife, Maria Bieniek agricola Lipinensis, may be Marianna Bieniek [4075], or related to her.
61902.09.06Rozdziele34Rosalia GrabaniaCatholicfemaleTheodorus GrabaniaAnastasia Warchołyk
71902.10.09Rozdziele64Rosalia DudraCatholicfemaleMahias DudraAnastasia Hanas
81902.11.30Rozdziele36Tatianna CapCatholicfemaleJoannes CapMaria Dragan
91902.12.04Rozdziele21Nicolaus KaczorCatholicmaleJoannes KaczorParascevia Telep
101902.12.18Rozdziele11Maria NowakCatholicfemaleJoannes NowakIrena Smakuła
111902.12.20Rozdziele30Nicolaus TylawskiCatholicmaleDemetrius TylawskiMaria Smakuła
121902.12.19Rozdziele? SiwakCatholicmaleIllegitimate? ?Juliana Siwak
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