Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1784-1836

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Birth records (1793–1794)

Page 53 of dataset 142_6924
11793.08.04Wapienne25Anna unknownCatholicfemale? unknownMaria RomanMother's name and father appears in both the father and the mother columns.
21793.12.10Wapienne22Tatianna KołtkoCatholicfemaleWasil KołtkoMaria Smarz
31794.01.20Wapienne42Maria FrinckoCatholicfemaleJoannes FrinckoAnna Kaczmaczyk
41794.02.09Wapienne3Xenia PyrzykCatholicfemaleJoannes PyrzykMarianna Guzy
51794.03.18Wapienne28Paulus NyszczotCatholicmaleThimotheus NyszczotMaria Pyrz
61794.07.10Wapienne37Petrus ProkopczakCatholicmaleJoannes ProkopczakAnna WerbinskiThis birth record for July 10 appears above the next one for June 10
71794.06.20Wapienne17Maria PyrzCatholicfemaleIllegitimateMathias PyrzEva Kołtko
81794.07.20Wapienne34Maria RomanCatholicfemaleMichael RomanMaria Zywanik
91794.10.20Wapienne8Maria SzopaCatholicfemaleBasilius SzopaMaria Smakuła
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