Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1839-1878

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Birth records (1876)

Page 53 of dataset 1149_4
11876.03.18Męcina Wielka19Theodorus KretCatholicmaleGregorius KretRosalia Tylawski
21876.03.20Męcina Wielka72Basilius KretCatholicmaleMichael KretMaria Kaczmarczyk
31876.05.29Męcina Wielka15Michael ZywanCatholicmaleAndreas ZywanMagdalena Wutroba
41876.06.08Męcina WielkaPetrus DosznaCatholicmaleJoannes DosznaMaria Fec
51876.04.26Męcina Wielka57Carolina Augusta WratzlawekNot CatholicAdolphus WratzlawekJosephina ?This birth record does not appear in the copy of the Book of Births for 1876.
61876.09.13Męcina Wielka80Maria gestorben 1/11 877CatholicfemaleMichael ChomikRosalia KaczmarczykDate of death indicated on the birth record is unclear, and her death record was not found in the 1877 records.
71876.11.11Męcina Wielka53Damian BorykCatholicmaleStephanus BorykMaria Bubniak
81876.12.17Męcina Wielka7Anna KaczmarczykCatholicfemaleMichael KaczmarczykRosalia Kret
91876.12.23Męcina Wielka29Simeon MłynarCatholicmaleStephanus MłynarMartha PyrzHis death records says he died April 15, but the annotation on his birth record says 15/6 or June 15. It appears that the annotation overwrites a previous annotation in lighter ink, which may be 15/4.
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